Nightcafe attempts

Tried Nightcafe again tonight… my first creation using Stable Diffusion XL 1.0 with the Anime V2 preset.
Prompt was:Girl with large glasses, long pink hair, wearing a school uniform doing homework in the library
I was pretty happy with it.. but the eyes.. Oh the eyes!!

Used the first image as a basis and ran a second iteration…
added “with no distortion, normal eyes,” to the description.
it helped, but something happened to the cheeks and nose, and I suddenly realised the character was a little too skinny.

Below is a 3rd iteration of a Nightcafe creation using Stable Diffusion XL 1.0 with the Anime V2 preset.

changed the prompt entirely to just:
“realistic body proportions, not skinny, looking down at desk”
and it seemed to change the entire image

Image is cropped because there was a pair of disembodied hands on the table (got to love AI image generation). There’s still something going on with the left eye, but overall, I don’t think this is a terrible result for 3 credits.